2022.10.07 15:00 星期五报告会
王宇晨 日本海洋研究开发机构 基于高频雷达资料同化的海啸预警:以2022年汤加火山海啸为例



Data assimilation using high-frequency radar for tsunami early warning: A case study of the 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunami

王宇晨 博士






High-frequency (HF) radar monitors the sea surface current velocity and provides information for tsunami early warning. SeaSondeR, an HF ocean radar system in the eastern Tsugaru Strait, Japan, measured the tsunami-induced current velocity during the 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunami. This event was triggered by the eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano on January 15, 2022. As an air-coupled tsunami, the generating mechanism was complex, making it difficult to predict coastal tsunamis using traditional early warning methods.

We adopted the tsunami data assimilation approach, which reconstructs the tsunami wavefield using offshore data and does not require source information, to forecast the coastal tsunami waveforms. Observations from the HF radar and offshore bottom pressure gauges (OBPGs) were used as the input for tsunami data assimilation. The assimilation process started at 09:00 (UTC, hereafter) and forecasts were made at 14:00 and 15:00. The surface current velocity recorded by the HF radar reached the maximum (~0.25 m/s) at 13:00, which corresponded to a negative phase of ~2 cm sea level variation observed by OBPGs.

The forecasted waveforms were compared with the observed waveforms at Hakodate and Shimokita tide gauges. The assimilation results using OBPG accurately forecasted the tsunami waveforms at Shimokita, especially for the next 2 h after the forecast. However, the forecast underestimated the waveforms at Hakodate.    The assimilation results using HF radar matched well with the observations at both Shimokita and Hakodate. Furthermore, for quantitative analysis, we adopted an accuracy index that considers the maximum amplitude in the next 2 h and 6 h after the forecast. At 14:00, the accuracy indices were 91% and 67% for the next 2 h and 6 h, respectively. At 15:00, it was 63% and 70% for the next 2 h and 6 h, respectively. The accuracy indices of the forecast using HF radar were higher than those using OBPG. Thus, we demonstrated the applicability of HF ocean radar system in tsunami data assimilation. This study is the first to apply tsunami data assimilation to early warning using real HF radar observations. The HF ocean radar system could be a good supplement to OBPG for monitoring tsunamis and providing information for data assimilation.


王宇晨博士2016年获得北京大学物理学学士学位(本科导师:胡永云教授、林金泰教授),2018年获得东京大学地球与行星科学硕士学位,2021年获得东京大学地球与行星科学博士学位。20194月至20219月,任日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员。202110月至今,任日本海洋研究开发机构(JAMSTECYoung Research Fellow,主要从事海啸和地震的预警与减灾相关工作,具体研究内容包括 “基于资料同化(data assimilation)方法的海啸早期预警”“不同震源类型对港湾海啸共振 (tsunami resonance)的影响”“海底水压计的布站优化”等。曾获“2020年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”,“2021年东京大学理学系研究科研究奖励赏”等荣誉。近五年内以第一或通讯作者身份在Geophysical Research Letters JGR: Solid Earth Seismological Research Letters等国际地球科学期刊上发表论文16篇,并多次担任Nature Communications JGR: Solid EarthJGR: Oceans等期刊审稿人。